Sunday, 13 April 2014

How much does a back sack and crack wax cost?

How much is a back sack and  crack wax? 

It is quite interesting how different therapist/salons market and offer male intimate waxing treatments and most clients have their own impression of what is included within aback sack and crack wax....

As the client you need to research and check exactly what is included as often there may be a huge price difference from one salon to another and generally this may be because of what actually include it or not included within the treatment.

Traditionally a back sack and crack (BSC wax) only included the butt (inside and out) the penis and scrotum with as much or as little of the pubic hair removed. The 'back'part of the treatments generally referred to the small of the back not a full back and shoulder wax....

But more and more therapists offer their own treatments which include variations of the classic wax; some include a full back neck and shoulders and some include a basic back wax so for this reason it is always best to check with the therapist what is included so that you can compare like for like on price options. 

We offer various selections of male intimate waxing treatment and these are designed for clients who generally like the combination of a male intimate wax with other body areas such as the chest and abs or the back and shoulders so our pricing structure and our menu of treatments include classic waxes such as a male Brazilian wax or male Hollywood and then packages such as the 'upper street'  or 'cross street'  which includes either a full back and shoulder  wax or a full chest and abs wax.