Sunday, 17 August 2014

Learn how to carry out male waxing treatments with Jack Dunn Waxing School

When we launch our waxing training school (very soon)  we will be offering free courses for the first few weeks for students who want to learn male waxing techniques. 

These courses will include male intimate waxing training, male full body waxing training and also for our Male Grooming workshop. These free places will be selected from students who are fans of our waxing school  Facebook page (who like our page ) and we will post details of how you can enter into a draw over the next few weeks so just keep an eye on our page. 

Once we launch the new website full details of the course content, what's included, details of our accreditation and lots more will be on our Facebook page. 

Learn how to carry out male waxing with Jack Dunn Waxing School.