Sunday, 31 March 2013

Interesting Facts about Dead Sea Salt

Interesting Facts about Dead Sea Salt

The Dead Sea has a long and amazing history. In fact, this body of water has been around for about three million years. That is a long time for many minerals and other potent, health inducing ingredients to become a part of this water. Learning more about the benefits of Dead Sea salt is important and allows you greater chances of being healthier and younger looking.

Salts for bathing are sold all around the world. Making the right choices for a brand is essential to you getting the real benefits of this famous sea. Many brands are no more than table salt and produce no benefits. Learning more about the source of your salts is necessary for gaining its benefits. Bear in mind that Dead Sea salt is bitterer than regular table salt.

The mineral content in real sea salts provides many benefits, especially when it comes to looking younger. In fact, in ancient times, Cleopatra took special interest in the area surrounding this body of water. She had cosmetic factories built along the shores to make sure the ingredients being used were from the real water. Millions of people have visited this water for soaking and retaining the minerals through the pores of the skin.

One mineral that helps improve the skin you will find in this famous body of water is magnesium. Magnesium increases the time it takes for skin tissue to heal. The surface of the skin is provided with anti allergic elements as well from magnesium. The process of cell metabolism is also related to magnesium. The younger healthy skin you want is easier to have when you provide the right ingredients for it to function properly.

Potassium and bromide are two more minerals your skin requires to be its best. Bromide works to relax muscular tissue and calms down nerves while potassium is responsible for the fine balance of moisture being maintained in the skin cell structure. Potassium is the reason too much water is not retained in the cells as well. The nutrients the cells in your body require are essential and cells must have a constant level of moisture to maintain healthy functioning, allowing nutrient absorption to be the greatest.

You have most likely heard about the benefits of calcium. You should know that calcium is also required for cell membranes to have strength and durability. The cells in your body must have protective shells to resist disease and other issues that could affect them. Taking care of your skin with salts will promote the absorption of calcium. Your teeth and bones will also benefit greatly from this type of calcium absorption as well.

Several body functions depend on a healthy functioning thyroid gland. Your thyroid gland needs iodine in order to function in the healthiest manner. Choosing the right salts means you getting enough iodine for proper functioning to take place. You can also add iodine to your diet for increased benefits. The amount of sodium you need is necessary for nutrient retention in the cells.

Zinc and sulphur are more minerals that offer great benefits for your body. These minerals are also found in high content in the Dead Sea. Zinc protects the skin and provides an incredible boost for the immune system as well. Cell proliferation occurs properly when your body has the right levels of zinc. Sulphur helps your liver function properly in dispelling toxins from your system.

Relief for some conditions has been found by soaking in this body of water. Sufferers of arthritis should certainly consider the benefits of hot salts baths for pain relief. The treatment of several bone and muscle issues include hot bath with mineral salts added to the water for good reasons. The absorption of vital minerals is necessary for the ultimate and complete healing of damaged muscle tissue.

If your bones are not strong throughout young adulthood and into your forties, you could be looking at several breaks and fractions after you get into your late fifties. Taking care to provide the right amounts of calcium is essential to you maintaining strong bones. Soaking hot salts can allow you greater calcium absorption for stronger bones. This is the greatest reason you should make sure your brand of salts in genuine and that the ingredients do come from the actual Dead Sea.

Taking advantage of Dead Sea salts benefits is a good way to better health fast. Taking time to learn more about the minerals your body needs is also an important consideration. Research the way these salts can benefit your health.