Thursday, 9 June 2011

The Difference Between Strip Waxing and Non Strip Waxing Methods

I often get calls from new clients asking the difference between strip and non strip waxing methods and which method of waxing is best suited to the male intimate waxing treatments such as the male Brazilian wax or the classic BSC wax (back sack and crack wax).

Strip waxing methods are great for general male body waxing – back, legs arms and the chest etc and the method involves the application of a warm wax using a spatula and then some strips of paper or fabric are applied to the area and rubbed firmly so that the wax will adhere to the strip and once removed the hair will be removed with the strip.

Non strip waxing methods are great for the intimate waxing treatments and the more sensitive areas like underarms, some parts of the chest, the neck and throat and all the face waxing (brows, ears and nostril waxing).Wax the texture of honey is applied directly to the hair and as it sets it will shrink wrap the hair and will be much easier to remove in the more sensitive areas. No strips are used with this wax hence the term non strip waxing, although across the industry this method can also be known as “hot wax” or “Brazilian wax”.

There are therapists who prefer to work with their own methods of waxing and will achieve the end result. For me I much prefer to use non strip waxing methods for male intimate waxing treatments as I find this the most comfortable and the most painless method of waxing.

As a customer I have experienced both methods and since having it carried out with non strip waxing methods I would never have it done any other way. The skin is sensitive in these areas and I find male intimate waxing with strip wax very very unpleasant... one word sums it up... ouch!!... This is my opinion and one shared by a lot of my customers who have also experienced both methods.

I only use Perron Rigot waxes and they are one of the best waxes on the market and I also use their hypoallergenic range to offer the best quality waxing with minimum reaction on the skin.

So guys in answer to all those queries I only use non strip waxing methods for my male Brazilians, Hollywood’s and back sack and crack waxes.. I hope this clarifies the difference in the methods

Jack Dunn